This guide will walk you through the steps needed to configure the Sugar-Sage Integration.
All of the configuration for the integration will happen on the Windows portion of the integration, no configuration is needed on the Sugar side.
Table of Contents
B. Custom Field Mapping (Enterprise Only)
A. Configuration steps
1. Launch the Sugar-Sage 100 Integrator by double-clicking on the shortcut.
Note: When the application is first launched you will receive a prompt, warning that there is no configuration.
Click OK to proceed.
NOTE: If this is the application's first time being launched you will receive a prompt warning that there is no license key.
Make sure you have a valid license key before proceeding.
If you have a valid license key then go ahead and click OK.
2. To load the License Key click on Tools -> Options and select the Licensing tab.
3. From the Licensing tab click the Browse button and select the license file (.lic file extension).
4. Once the license file has been selected and loaded into the integration, click Save.
5. Now that the integration has a valid license, let’s set up the integration to communicate with Sugar and Sage.
6. Click Tools -> Options and select the Basic Settings tab.
7. Fill out the basic settings and test the connections.
a. The Sugar Username needs to be of a user with administrator privileges.
Click the Test button below the Sugar password box to confirm that you have entered the correct information.
b. The Sage User Code needs to be a user with administrator privileges.
c. Click Test Sugar with Sage Settings to formally connect your Sage configuration with your Sugar configuration.
8. Click Save when all of the settings are correct.
9. Click Tools -> Options, select the Active Syncs tab and check the boxes next to the syncs that you’d like to be active. Then click Save.
Note: The boxes checked above are the most common syncs to be activated.
10. Click Tools -> Options and select the Integration Settings tab.
Each of the syncs has its own settings and can be set to run on its own schedule. Click each of the syncs to configure as needed.
Note: We will cover some of the syncs with special options here.
11. Select a sync from the list on the left and if there are options available they will appear to the right.
a. Sage Customers to Sugar: This sync only has the option to set the frequency of the sync.
Note: During the synchronization of customers from SAGE 100 to Sugar, if you’d like to exclude certain customers from being sent from SAGE 100 to Sugar, see our companion document titled Creating a UDF to Exclude Customers From Sugar Sync.
b. Sage Inventory to Sugar.
i. This sync sends items from the Sage 100 Inventory Masterfile to the Sugar Products Catalog.
ii. If the Include Item Costs when sending Inventory to Sugar box is checked, the standard cost for each item will be imported to Sugar products. If unchecked, the cost will not be imported. This is especially important if you’re concerned about users seeing item costs.
iii. If the Exclude Primary Vendor from sync box is checked, the primary vendor in Sage 100 will NOT be imported to Sugar products. This is especially important if you’re concerned about users seeing item primary vendors.
c. Sage Customer Sales to Sugar.
i. Click the Use Current Year and Period checkbox to sync the current year and period in Sage 100. Uncheck the box to specify a different year and period to sync
d. Sage Invoice History to Sugar.
i. Make sure to indicate the number of years of invoice history to sync. Note that more than five years in most cases is not recommended for purposes of storage and sync speed. However, every company is different, and the optimum number of years may be more or less depending on the volume of your history.
e. Sage Orders to Sugar.
i. Note in the Sync Direction section (in blue) you can set FROM SUGAR TO SAGE or FROM SAGE TO SUGAR.
ii. Configure the additional settings as needed.
Make sure to ask for assistance if any of the settings are unclear.
Below is a table with additional details related to selection criteria when syncing sales orders:
S.No. | Setting | Explanation |
1 | Use billing Address from Sugar when importing Quotes to MAS | If checked, the billing address entered on the quote in sugar will be imported as the billing address on the quote/order in MAS. If unchecked, the import will use the MAS90 default billing address on the order. |
2 | Include discount amounts when importing quotes to MAS | If checked, the discount entered into Sugar will be imported into MAS90. If unchecked, MAS90 standard discounts will apply. |
3 | Put shipping contact on address line 1 when importing quotes to MAS | If checked, the value in the shipping contact field entered on the Sugar quote will be imported as address line 1 and other address lines will be pushed down to address line 2. If unchecked, shipping address lines will be imported to MAS90 as they are entered in Sugar. |
4 | Send MAS90 Sales Orders to Sugar Quotes | If checked, sales orders will go from MAS90 to Sugar. |
5 | Send Sugar Quotes to MAS90 Sales Orders | If checked, sales orders will go from Sugar to MAS90. |
6 | Sync Sales Orders | If checked, quotes with a status of “Closed-Won” will be imported to MAS90 as “sales orders” |
7 | Sync Quotes | IF checked, quotes with all other statuses will be imported to MAS90 as “quotes”. If you don’t want QUOTES in MAS90, make sure this is unchecked. |
8 | Sync all modified since last sync | If checked, only quotes that have been added or changed since the last sync will be sent to MAS90. |
9 | Sync all modified since chosen date | If checked, only quotes that have been added or changed subsequent to the date entered below will be sent to MAS90. |
B. Custom Field Mapping (Enterprise Only)
If you have the enterprise version of the integration you can customize the field mappings between Sugar and Sage.
1. To edit the field mappings click Tools -> Options, select the Integration Settings tab and select a sync (e.g. Sage Customers to Sugar).
2. When you have selected a sync a Mapping… button will appear to the bottom right.
3. When you click on the mapping button a new window will appear with the current mapping.
4. To change the mapping either select a new field for a preexisting mapping (1), remove a mapping by clicking the X on the left (2), or add a new mapping by clicking the Add Field button (3).
5. Once you have made your changes click the Save button to update the mappings.
Your configuration is now complete. Should you have any additional questions not covered in this guide please contact Faye at support@fayebsg.com.
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