ONLY Contacts, Leads, and Targets can be synced to Constant Contact.
1. To upload an individual contact/lead/target to Constant Contact, you need to go to the individual contact/lead/target detail view inside of Sugar, click Edit.
2. Scroll towards the bottom and click on the Link to Constant Contact checkbox.
3. Scroll down to the Constant Contact Target Lists subpanel, click on the arrow on the right-hand side and select Link Existing Record.
4. You can then select as many lists as you want and link them all at once. Select the lists that you would like the contact/lead/target to be synced to and click the Add button.
5. Constant Contact will sync contact information the next time the Sugar Scheduler runs. This feature will upload the following fields from Sugar to Constant Contact:
- First and last name
- Email address
- Company name
- Job title
- Home phone/Work phone
- Street address/City/State/ Zip Code/Country
This will either create a new contact if it does not exist in Constant Contact or update an already existing record.
6. To stop syncing contact/lead information, click the Edit button to edit the contact/lead/target and uncheck the Linked to Constant Contact checkbox.
7. To remove a contact/lead/target from a specific mailing list do the following: Leave the Linked to Constant Contact checkbox checked and instead deselect the mailing list you want to remove from the Constant Contact Target Lists subpanel by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand side and selecting Unlink.
Note: The Constant Contact Target Lists subpanel can be moved up or down the list of subpanels by click-and-dragging the subpanel to the desired location. (In the example above I have dragged the subpanel from the bottom of the list to the top).
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