The following examples use the cloud-based version of JIRA.
Below are features that you can use to make out the most of your Sugar - Jira integrations.
1. With the Sugar – JIRA Integration you can create new JIRA tickets from within Sugar. To do so navigate to the Jira Issues module (screenshot 1) and select the Create JIRA Issue tab from the Action Menu (downward arrow on the right of the Jira Issue module name).
2. The Create JIRA Issue drawer will appear. Enter a title for the ticket into the textbox at the top, add a value to all of the dropdown menus, and a description in the text area.
Note: If you are using a cloud-based instance of JIRA (i.e. https://<company-name>.atlassian.net), you will need to make sure that the Assignee and Due Date fields have been removed from view as they will cause new JIRA tickets to be rejected by the server. Refer to the How to Use Sugar Studio guide for step-by-step directions.
3. After filling in all the necessary information click on the Save button.
4. You will now see your new JIRA ticket with all the information you provided if you select it from the list view in the module. What you will NOT see right away is a JIRA Date Created and JIRA Date Modified. This is because the ticket has yet to be synced with JIRA.
Module List View
Missing Dates
5. To sync the ticket right away, as opposed to letting the Sugar Scheduler handle it, click on the Send to JIRA button.
6. A warning popup box with appears asking you to confirm if you want to send this issue to JIRA. Go ahead and click Confirm.
7. A new popup will appear informing you whether or not the issue was successfully sent.
Note: This process may take a while depending on your connection to the JIRA server.
8. If an issue gets updated in JIRA you can choose the Refresh from JIRA option to update the issue in Sugar.
WARNING: If an issue gets modified in any way in Sugar when it is synced to JIRA it will create a NEW JIRA issue ticket. If you intend to modify or update a ticket you will need to do so in JIRA.
Adding Dashlets for JIRA Issues
9. You can add home page dashlets for JIRA issues with custom filters. First, go to your main dashboard, click on the Action menu on the bottom-right and then click on Add Dashlet.
10. Select List View from the new window.
11. Then choose the Jira Issues from the Module dropdown menu.
12. After choosing the Jira Issues dashlet you can either create your own custom filter or use one of the filters that come pre-installed with the integration.
13. The default filter is the My Jira Issues filter which will only display issues that have been created by you in Sugar.
16. The other default filters are:
- All Jira Issues
- My Favorites
- Open Critical Issues
- Open Issues (All)
- Open Major Issues
- Recently Created
- Recently Viewed
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