In order to complete the Box Integration for Sugar configuration, you will need to create a Box.com Application. Please follow the below steps and return to the configuration steps here.
1. To create a new Box.com application go to https://app.box.com/developers/console, connect with your Box credentials, and click on the Create New App button.
2. Select the Custom App option.
3. You will need to choose the Authentication Method for your app. Please choose option 2, User Authentication (OAuth 2.0).
4. Choose a unique Name for your App and then click on Create App.
5. You will be taken to the Configuration screen of your app.
6. On the Box.com application configuration page you will need to enter an OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI.
Note: This redirect URL is the address of your Sugar instance e.g. https://<companyname>.sugarondemand.com including /index.php?entryPoint=sugarbox_grant at the end of the link: https://<companyname>.sugarondemand.com/index.php?entryPoint=sugarbox_grant
Note: Make sure the option Write all files and folders stored in Box and all scopes in the screenshot are selected.
7. From the OAuth2 Parameters page you will need to copy the client_id and client_secret and enter them on your Sugar instance General Configuration tab (details in this guide at point 2.4).
8. After entering the redirect URL and copying the client_id and client_secret click on the Save Changes button.
9. A popup message will let you know that your app was successfully updated.
10. Now that you have created a new Box.com Application please return to step 2.4 in this guide and complete the configuration setup.
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